How To Set Password in MS Word Excel and Power Point File

How To Set Password in MS Word Excel and Power Point File
How To Set Password in MS Word Excel and Power Point File
How To Set Password in MS Word Excel and Power Point File
इस Article में Microsoft Word/ Excel/ Power Point की File को Password से Lock तथा Unlock करने से संबंधित जानकारी दी गई है

(In this post, information related to locking and unlocking Microsoft Word/Excel/Power Point file with password is given.)

Microsoft Word/ Excel/ Power Point की File को Password से Protect करना
Microsoft Office में Microsoft Word/ Excel/ Power Point में Create की जाने वाली Files को सुरक्षित रखने के लिए उन Files में Password Insert करने की सुविधा दी जाती है जिससे File को जब भी Open किया जाता है तब Password की आवश्यकता होती है

(Protecting Microsoft Word/Excel/Power Point files with password
In Microsoft Office, to protect the files created in Microsoft Word/Excel/Power Point, the facility to insert password in those files is provided so that whenever the file is opened, the password is required.)

How To Insert Password

Password Insert करने के दो तरीके हैं (There are two ways to enter the password)
1. Office Button –> Prepare –> Encrypt Document
2. Save/ Save As –> Save As के Box में Tools –> General Options… –> Enter Password and Save


How To Remove Password

Password हटाने के दो तरीके हैं (There are two ways to remove the password)

1. Office Button –> Prepare –> Encrypt Document
2. Save/ Save As –> Save As के Box में Tools –> General Options… –> Remove Password and Save

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